Facilitators + Graphic Recorders = A Winning Team

Digging through some old work this morning, I happened to find this graphic recording from a presentation made by the wonderful facilitator Rob Evans at the IFVP Conference last year.

We talk a lot about the value of Graphic Recording when it comes to groups and participants, but less so about the value and support we bring to the facilitator.

A great partnership between Facilitator and Graphic Recorder will:

  • Provide an additional witness to the content
  • Relieve pressure on the Facilitator to note-take
  • Inspire participants to display their ideas visually, making it easier for the Facilitator to view and harvest ideas
  • Track progress throughout the event
  • Provide a thought partner to bounce off and test ideas
  • Allow the Facilitator to focus on what they do best

These are challenging days for Facilitators, with most of us still working in the virtual space during 2020. In addition to their usual job, Facilitators are also managing tech platforms, new modes of delivery, new ways of communicating online, and struggling with engagement in virtual meetings and events. It is A LOT.

Even in “normal times” (ha! what’s that?! 😂), engaging a Graphic Recorder provides enormous support to the facilitator before, during and after the event. While we are constrained to the virtual world, even more so.

Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about how a Graphic Recorder can support you. 💛

“It’s often difficult to record the outputs of sessions in a manner that captures the content and spirit of the conversation. Jessamy did this expertly and her work enlivened the event, as participants were able to use the live graphic recordings to more meaningfully (and speedily), reflect on and revise their thinking.

The artefacts produced by Jessamy subsequent to the event have given us the hard data we need for planning purposes, whilst also providing strategy visuals that can be shared with those not at the event.

Having always been keen to try this method, the experience had solidified our thinking that this is actually a really smart, engaging and cost effective way to produce workshop outputs. The value of what we can produce for clients is greatly enhanced through this partnership.” – Kieran Murrihy – Co-Founder, Foresight Lane 

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